So Friday I could barely walk. Between CF and sleeping last week, I threw my back out. Saturday was morbid, Sunday was better. Lots of massage, ibuprofen, and luckily I have a stim machine at home. Monday I spent lunch at the Chiropractor and went back again on Wednesday. I'm thankfully back to normal. My elbow is also doing better. Still some pain, but not as much or as often.
Muay Thai was great on Tuesday night. I was still having pains, but we did some different moves so we had to really concentrate. Talk about sweating. We practiced walking left, right, front, and back while punching. That was interesting. Then we paired up and started punching at each other while the other person blocked. Talk about wearing me out. I had to take a break a few times to get my back straightened but I made it through the first half of class fairly well, it was the second half that had me huffing and puffing and stretching out. Very happy about my progress so far.
Jits was really fun. We did some side escapes where you get the person who is on top of you in your guard. I understand how to do the move, but my body doesn't agree with my mind. So it's a work in progress. We also practiced getting the other person on your back for a flip, just without the flipping over part. That's easy for me as the girls are all light. So it's like I'm picking up a rag doll. We had a good fun class. Only four of us, so made it a little more easy going.
Today was Cross Fit. I busted my ass out there. Warm up sucked. I see a lot of the CFer's with things that say your work out is my warm up... I'm still struggling because the warm up feels like a full work out for me! Today was three rounds of: 10 push ups, 10 jumping ring dips, 10 dislocates, 20 leg swings, 10 jumping squats and 40 second calf stretches. Then after all that we spend about 5 mins doing more stretches to prepare our bodies for the wod. So this brings us to our first wod- 5x5 bench press. I started at 55, then jumped up to 75, 85, 95 got me struggling so went up 5 and maxed out at 100. Amazing how much you can sweat doing bench presses. I just realized too that I wrote my amounts wrong- but they are very close- It's really hard to think during/after a work out. Thursday must be a lucky day because we got to do a second wod! Yay! Three 800m runs with a three minute rest in between. I rowed and got 4:24, 4:16, and ended with a push for 4:10. Core was 50 slow abmat situps. Wow has it been a while since I've done that many sit ups. I need to get back into practice. So after all that, I'm feeling pretty good.