Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Damn you, Jumprope.. Damn you to hell!!!

So I don't normally do CF on Tuesdays, but I'll be missing Thurs and today was my only day I could fit it in. So after work I strolled down to class and it was packed. About 15 people were there. Now I'm really second guessing myself. My whole body is sore and even my butt cheeks hurt! Apparently this is normal after doing the WOD we did yesterday. So of course it'd be a great idea to go do more exercise today :)  I'm a genius. Warm up was a work out again. We jumped rope and did some stretching with the pvc pipe that included squats (no more squats!!!). Then we got ready and started the WOD. Today was a 15 min AMRAP of 8 box jumps, 10 kb swings, and 20 double unders. I used a 45# weight for by "box," a 20# dumbell for my kb, and did singles so I had to do 60. Jumps, check, kb swings, check, jumping rope-still the bane of my existence. I did get up to five jumps in a row, but for the most part it was just one and even that sometimes got stuck under my feet. Took me forever to do the jump rope part so I only got 2 complete rounds done, finished the bjs and kbs, and got up to 18 more singles before the timer went off. I was trying to get to 20 but my jump rope got whipped away from me when another girl got a little too close while she was jumping near me. Glad it was only my rope! For the first time we all did stretching together after the workout. It was a nice change. Then for core I did 3 x 15 supermans. They hurt, but I pushed through. Man am I sore. Currently my left calf is really acting up like it wants to cramp. Hoping I can sleep through the night. Worth going, yes, definitely.

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