Yesterday we had some plumbing issues to take care of so I missed CF. I
figured I'd be good and go today to make up for it. We had a good sized
class today, about 8 or 9 of us.
Warm up was rowing for calories, box jumps, and ring dips- 15-12-9.
Today I was feeling blah so I did steps on to three 45# weights. After
this I was pretty winded. We then went on to work the mechanics of the
power clean. Got my bar loaded up and kept it light as my right arm is
still giving me issues. Total weight was 35# for the pcs. I'm fairly
slow getting up and down so I didn't do 7 push ups every minute. Instead
of 15 rounds, I only made it thru 7 1/2, starting and ending with pcs.
It wasn't morbid, but I was definitely sweating. I had the "other" coach
today and again wasn't too fond. She yelled a little, but it wasn't
motivational and she didn't seem to use names, I don't know it could be
me, but I have that love/hate thing with being yelled at during CF. I
hate it, but I know Coach is looking out for me to push myself harder
and I do try harder and feel better about it in the end. Note to self:
if I miss Monday, skip Tues 1 pm class :) "other" coach was chatty
after the WOD and so I just did 50 sit ups for my core. Pics are of the
boards for the workout and then my board for keeping track. A number for
my PCs and then a check mark for completing my push ups. Funny that I
got 56 for each one.

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