Saturday we celebrated my daughter's birthday by going to Rehoboth Beach. Do you remember the Gravitron from the 80's? Well they have one there at Funland. Of course we had to go on it several times. And the teacups, and the bumper cars, and the haunted house ride! I was pretty nervous about fitting in the bumper cars and the haunted ride. But I tried and it worked out. We had a blast and spent quite a bit of time playing games and riding the rides. I was able to get sideways on the Gravitron. This is a big deal. I haven't done this since I was a kid. It was awesome. And yes, I have a picture because the kid running the ride was nice enough to take one for me. We walked the boardwalk and out to the ocean and I still managed to get back to the car and not be dying. It was a fantastic day. Monday was a day off of exercising. Tuesday I did a mini work out and Muay Thai. I did 150 squats with the weights and 100 sit ups. Then we worked on Teeping/kicking to the upper body area in Muay Thai. It was rough! Wednesday I did more training and then Jits. The Jits class was crazy moves that I really can't do yet. But I finagled it to kind of work. Thursday was an off day and then Friday I swam laps. I got in 11. It's been a while, but it felt good to get back in the water. Today we rode bikes around the neighborhood just a little bit. It's getting fairly hot so we didn't ride too long. My butt is managing the seat issues better. It's not as painful as it was last time I rode. It could be that my bottom has had a break or that it's getting stronger from all the squats. Another good week down.
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