I knew going into today that it was going to be rough. I was prepared to feel more worn out before normal. But how Coach made an 8 min WOD feel like 45 mins is beyond my comprehension. Even before it started I was in pain. She started a new warm up that kind of teaches you the movement of the main WOD task. Even with that my back was burning, as if flaming hot knives were jabbed into my lower back repeatedly as my knees popped like popcorn. But I got thru the first WOD
Squat snatch 1RM and did it at 65#. WOD 2 was an 8 min AMRAP of 10 OH walking lunges w/ 25# weight and 10 SDHP @ 65#. I was able to complete three rounds of each, heavily scaling the lunges and removing the weight after the first round. After all this fun and excitement we got to finish out with 50 sit ups for core. After a few I started to feel the pain in my abdomen, after 15 I really felt the throbbing of my muscles. They remembered and decided to have a mutiny. I finished it up and now I feel better. Definitely an ibuprofen kind of night!

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