Thursday, August 2, 2012

Three days of hell

So I wanted to update Tuesday when class was fresh in my mind, but I was so sore I just couldn't manage it. Well here is the final update for this week. WSD on Tuesday was brutal. Coach Charles is back and we did a wretched warm up. Then we went into escaping a grab and at the end we practiced the skills by playing the "get away" game where one person is starts in a sitting position and the attacker is standing up trying to not let them get away.
Wednesday WSD was even more brutal if there is such a way to be- we did a hard core warm up. I was able to bear crawl the length of the shortest side of the room and the highlight of the warm up was when we moved into doing sit ups and coach (who's been on vacation for like two months) noticed how much better I was doing and then when we moved into push ups it was the same. Made my night! I told him it's Cross Fit- I don't want to suffer the wrath of Iman! The other girls were kinda shocked that I do CF. Made me feel good inside.. still sore, but good! That class we did a lot of muay thai stances and movements/blocking. Then we got the pads and practiced kick-pushing the attacker away. Finally we went into "spar" mode and one person threw punches (without hitting) while the other dodged and moved away. It was fun, but super tiring.
Today was probably the worst! We did the standard warm up which is still super tiring and then moved into our WOD. A 15 minute AMRAP of 10x Power Cleans and then 5x situps. The others did a certain type, I did abmat sit ups. I was able to do 5 full reps of each and then an additional 5 PCs before time was up. My bar was weighted at 55 pounds. I tried 65, but it was just too much. No core today because it was incorporated into the WOD. Hooray for the little things! Off for vacation tomorrow so no updates till then. We'll be theme-parking and doing a lot of walking, so I'll def be getting my exercise in!

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