Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Damn you, Jumprope.. Damn you to hell!!!
So I don't normally do CF on Tuesdays, but I'll be missing Thurs and today was my only day I could fit it in. So after work I strolled down to class and it was packed. About 15 people were there. Now I'm really second guessing myself. My whole body is sore and even my butt cheeks hurt! Apparently this is normal after doing the WOD we did yesterday. So of course it'd be a great idea to go do more exercise today :) I'm a genius. Warm up was a work out again. We jumped rope and did some stretching with the pvc pipe that included squats (no more squats!!!). Then we got ready and started the WOD. Today was a 15 min AMRAP of 8 box jumps, 10 kb swings, and 20 double unders. I used a 45# weight for by "box," a 20# dumbell for my kb, and did singles so I had to do 60. Jumps, check, kb swings, check, jumping rope-still the bane of my existence. I did get up to five jumps in a row, but for the most part it was just one and even that sometimes got stuck under my feet. Took me forever to do the jump rope part so I only got 2 complete rounds done, finished the bjs and kbs, and got up to 18 more singles before the timer went off. I was trying to get to 20 but my jump rope got whipped away from me when another girl got a little too close while she was jumping near me. Glad it was only my rope! For the first time we all did stretching together after the workout. It was a nice change. Then for core I did 3 x 15 supermans. They hurt, but I pushed through. Man am I sore. Currently my left calf is really acting up like it wants to cramp. Hoping I can sleep through the night. Worth going, yes, definitely.
Monday, January 28, 2013
3 Part update
I started updating last week, but one thing led to another and now here I am, just getting back into the swing of things. Last Wednesday I flew home from vacation, got off the plane, went home, showered, and headed right back out to class. We did the Women's Jiujitsu and it was a lot of fun. Sure I hate shrimping and hip escapes still.. I probably will until I can actually do them properly. It's so annoying to have your pants get pulled down with every move. It was a really good class and I'm glad I was able to go.
Friday I did my normal Cross Fit. The WOD was a 20 min AMRAP of 10 x SDHP (95#/65#), 15 x Push-ups, 25 x Double unders. I did 55# and single unders so I had to triple and do 75 each round. It was horrible! I got through the sdhp and the push ups, but damn if the jump rope was my nemesis!!! I kept tripping up and could barely do three in a row. It was so hard that I only ended up completing two full rounds, 10 sdhp and 5 knee push ups before the timer went off. Clearly not my best day, but again it was my first CF since vacation.
Today I killed CF. When I looked at what the workout was I literally sick to my stomach and didn't want to go. But I went anyways and I'm really glad I did. I finished in 28:49 along with two other people. For a change I wasn't the last one done.. well I was, but I wasn't alone this time! The WOD today was called "Angie" and boy is she a pain in the *everywhere*! It's 100 x Pull-ups (I did ring rows), 100 x Push-ups (knee for me), 100 x Sit-ups, and 100 x Squats. You can't move on to the next exercise til you finish the first. Talk about painful. But I did it. Sure I peed my pants a little (a lot, hooray for pads! boo for sit ups) and I wasn't sure I could move afterwards, but I managed. Drove back to work with the top down in 38 degree weather :) I was so hot from class. Today was a good day.
Friday I did my normal Cross Fit. The WOD was a 20 min AMRAP of 10 x SDHP (95#/65#), 15 x Push-ups, 25 x Double unders. I did 55# and single unders so I had to triple and do 75 each round. It was horrible! I got through the sdhp and the push ups, but damn if the jump rope was my nemesis!!! I kept tripping up and could barely do three in a row. It was so hard that I only ended up completing two full rounds, 10 sdhp and 5 knee push ups before the timer went off. Clearly not my best day, but again it was my first CF since vacation.
Friday, January 11, 2013
CF Friday
I didn't think I'd make it today, but I'm glad I went. Warm up was going thru the steps of how to do the front squat. Then we got down to the WOD. It was 5 rounds of 6 muscle ups (I did ring rows) and 10 front squats (I used 65#). I am still getting the knee pain with the RRs. The first set I felt, the second set I hand to limp, then sets 3-5 I adjusted my legs so that my right leg was way out in front and most of the pressure was on the left. This was better, but even now as I sit here typing I can still feel the pain. I got done in 7 mins 45 secs. First one done and I was worried- how come no one else was done, did I count wrong? Duh, muscle ups are *hard* and ring rows are definitely nothing close to the degree of difficulty. Sure, they're hard for me and I can barely do 10 in a row- I think my max in a row was 13, but google muscle ups if you don't know what they are and you can see for yourself. After the work out I stretched and did 50 abmat sit ups. Got through 20 and the rest were slow coming- around 35 my abs were really burning.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
CF Thursday
I got to CF a few mins late today. Between having to potty and then construction holding up traffic- I was half thinking of just skipping it. But I kept driving and eventually got to class. Started warm up late so only had time for just shy of two rounds so I did a total of 4 mins jumping rope, 20 squats, 20 push ups, and 10 sit ups. We went into the first WOD which was a 4-4-4-4 bench press. I guess we started a little low at 35 lbs. We jumped up to 55 then to 85. I did my last set at 115 and was able to do 2 out of the 4 reps on my own. Very happy as that's a fair amount of weight for me. Then we moved on to the main WOD. It was an alternating Tabata- push press (45#) and jumping rope. It's only 8 mins long, but again, it's the longest 8 minutes ever. I only got in a total of 72 reps. I definitely started off strong, but wore down quickly. Another workout done. Slowly getting back on track- only to go on vacation next week again! This time I'll only miss Wed-Tues.
Women's only BJJ

Monday, January 7, 2013
How bad???
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