So with my arm feeling better and a full night's rest I made my way to class. There was myself and two other guys there so we busted through pretty quickly. Standard warm up and then two WODs. The first one was 4 x 8 Strict press. Going at our own pace for the reps. I did 45#. It was a struggle once I hit 6. We got our bar ready for the second WOD. I had two bars because I can lift more then I can hold over my head. It was 21-15-9 for time of:
OHS (95#/65#), SDHP (95#/65#). I did 45# on my Over Head Squats and 65# (RX!!!) on my Sumo Deadlift High Pulls. My time was 7:45. For core I did 3 x 20 supermans. Here's my print from after we were done and starting to clean up. I thought it was funny that I was so beat up from this workout that I left a body sweat line on the concrete.
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