The only thing I want to do is lay down in a soft bed and sleep for days. I'm so worn out I can hardly stand it! So happy that the weekend is almost here. After getting beat up last night I was completely dreading todays WOD. With good reason too! I checked out what it was going to be before going. Oh such a bad idea. Regular warm up and then the WOD was a 15 Mins AMRAP of:
10 x KB Swings, 35#,
8 x Box jumps (I used a 45 lb weight), and 5 x T2B (instead of using the bar I laid on the floor). And my oh my there were three of us there and Coach Iman did the workout with us. The grunts and sweat and agony in that room were crazy. I know it wasn't all me! When the horrifying 15 minutes were up we were all pretty much spent. I don't think anyone was standing. Then I figured out why. While I was doing my amazing 5 sets of hard, hard, exercise, the other folks were upwards of 12 sets!!! Yes, T W E L V E. No idea how they did them because they were doing them full on hard core. Eventually my reps will improve, maybe to 6 or 7 :) I still get winded just doing the warm up. And I am subconsciously trying to match my knuckles up. I have no idea how I ripped my right hand up today. Thankfully I have a breather till Monday now. They moved the WSD class to M & W so I'll be doing that instead of Yoga.
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