Wednesday I went alone to WSD. There was one other girl in the class so it was pretty low key. Warm up included rolls. Seema took it slow for me so I could see where she was putting what. I keep going sideways. I want to do a roll! Finally after about 6 times (Yes, I've rolled before but I always go sideways) I did a fantastic roll. It was modified a bit because of the weight distribution I found if I push off more I can accomplish it. The next one was crooked, but I see the light at the end of the rolling tunnel.
Yoga was *awesome.* It was just me and the teacher. She worked with me and did stretches and helped me pose to get the most out of it. Knowing that I can only go so far and do so much.
Today I went to Cross Fit and dreaded it. For some reason I was feeling super weak. We did the normal warm up (5 sets of like 10 exercises, used the 15 lb bar) and then onto the WOD. 5 Mins AMRAP of:
5 x Hang power snatch (55#) and 5 x Thrusters (55#). I did 3 sets of each. Then Rest 3 mins and 5 Mins AMRAP of:
Rope climbs. I did 0. Yeah. 0. This is a lot to lift people. I'm working on it! I was struggling trying to get a little off the ground. Then rest 3 mins and 5 Mins AMRAP of:
8 x DB Snatch (25#) (Alt arms each rep) then
8 x DB Lunges (25#) (Hold DBs in each hand). I did 3 sets of the first and 2 sets of the second. We got to rest for about 4 minutes and then did Core. 100 x Anchored sit-ups for time. Everyone got done and I was at 35. The weights kept falling off my feet. I kept feeling like I was going to pee my pants. So she came over and cut me off at 50. I was at 5:35. I know I can do better than that with the regular sit ups we do. Next time.. Next time..
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