Friday, May 18, 2012

The beginning...

I wanted to start a blog at the beginning of my weight loss journey but much like losing weight, I kept putting it off and putting it off. Well now here it is. I'm starting to get into a routine of sorts and am using this to document my progress and hopefully obtain my goals.

Dec 2010 we decided to book a cruise for Dec of 2011. I started my journey in January with a goal of being able to walk around the cruise ship without passing out. I wanted to enjoy our vacation. I suffer from back and knee pain. Walking or standing for more than a few minutes at a time was a chore- almost unbearable. Five minutes of standing would be the equivalent of someone stabbing me in my lower back. Walking up a flight of stairs would take my last breath away.

So I started slowly. I cut out soda. Sure I'd slip up here and there, but mostly I was drinking my water that I was supposed to. The more you choose water, the easier it becomes to not drink soda. In March of 2011 I started a Physicians Weight Loss Center diet program. The staff pretty much becomes useless. They didn't give me the guidance I need- instead they just said OK, pick from this list of foods, eat 2 proteins and one starch, etc... They do however have some good meal replacement bars. Some of the best I've ever tried. Peanut butter and Jelly and S'mores rank as my top faves.

Exercise was also incorporated. I started slowly with aqua-aerobics twice a week. After a few months I started working out with a personal trainer. He was educated on working with overweight people and we made great progress. I was able to stand and walk a lot more before the pains would kick in.

Recently I joined a Mixed Martial Arts center. I wanted to get my daughter more active in something fun that we could do together. We started out taking Jiu Jitsu and Women's Self Defense. Shortly after joining, she started playing Softball so we had to cut out the Jiu Jitsu. Now we are taking Women's Self Defense one to two times per week as her softball schedule allows. Last week I decided to try out their Cross Fit program. My daughter wants to do the Run For Your Lives Zombie 5k and they recommend it as a good way to prepare for the obstacles you face. It took me about 12 minutes to do 500 meters on the rowing machine, 20 knee push ups, 30 squats, and 20 sit ups. I thought I was going to pass out!  But I went back for more. I had surgery scheduled the day after my first class so I had to wait a few days extra, but I managed to go back this Monday. We did dead-lifts. I had 70 pounds on my barbell and had to lift it 20 times. Then it was over to do knee push ups. 24 of those. Back to do 20 more dead lifts. I was aching. I still had 24 knee push ups to do before I was done- Most people were doing handstand push ups- literally doing a handstand and then pushing themselves up and down! It was insane. I barely made it through the workout. Today is Thursday. There were only 3 people in Cross Fit and warm up was more of a work out for me. Started off with walking 200 meters (They jogged- my knees can't take that yet, and I think I did less than 200 because I'm pretty sure I went the wrong way!) then you do ring rows- they have rings hanging from bars and you basically hold them and lean way back, then pull yourself upwards towards the rings, then back and up again- ten times. After that we take a plastic pipe and go from the back to the front ten times, then hold it across your shoulders and and bend down 10 times. Rinse and repeat for a total of 3 times of each activity! Remember this was just for warm up!!! For the actual work out I started out with the rowing machine and went 2000 meters. It took me just over 11 minutes. From there I did 20 psuedo-sprawls- I can't get all the way on the ground yet so I put my arms up and then squat all the way to the ground and touch the ground, then back up again. Next it was 20 squats and I finished off the afternoon with 11 sit ups. Yes, actual sit ups. I am amazed I am able to do them there. They have a small arched mat for the small of your back and you lay with the soles of your feet touching. Then you take your arms and stretch them out above your head on the floor. You start by swinging your arms up and over towards your feet. It really helps in the process of getting oneself up to a sitting position. Including warm up today's work out was about 30 minutes long, if that.

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